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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Orange Delta Equipment Pte Ltd

36 Purvis Street #02-07

Singapore 188613

Patrick Goossens
Mobile Email
+65 9030 3518
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Federal-Mogul DEVA Korea Office

#104-201, 121 Gwanak-daero

Dongan-gu, ANYANG Gyeonggido 13922

Taeshik Lee
Tel. Mobile Fax Email
+82(0) 31 8091 9231 +82(0) 10 5355 9231 +82(0) 31 62 44 337
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Federal-Mogul DEVA Shanghai Office

No. 118. Jinqiao Road

Pudong District, Shanghai 201206

Nick Yu
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Hentec Sverige AB

Östra Storgatan 9

55421 Jönköping

Joergen Levander
Tel. Email
+46 76 765 82 01
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Hentec Sverige AB

Östra Storgatan 9

55421 Jönköping

Joergen Levander
Tel. Email
+46 76 765 82 01
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Industry Engineering LLC

5/12, building 2, floor 3, office 232A Zelenyi prospect

111141 Moskau

Vladislav Butenko
Tel. Mobile Fax Email
+7 499 502 - 4144 +7 905 501 - 3662 +7 499 502 - 4144
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

M-501 km 56 Apdo.: 08

San Martín de Valdeiglesias 28680

Iván Seyedzadeh López
Mobile Fax Email
+34(0)685463951 +34(0)918612229
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

M-501 km 56 Apdo.: 08

San Martín de Valdeiglesias 28680

Iván Seyedzadeh López
Mobile Fax Email
+34(0)685463951 +34(0)918612229
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Hentec Norge AS

Berghagan 7

N-1405 Langhus

Ole-Petter Laksholm
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+47(0)417 - 05150
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Hentec Norge AS

Berghagan 7

N-1405 Langhus

Ole-Petter Laksholm
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+47(0)417 - 05150
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Hentec Norge AS

Berghagan 7

N-1405 Langhus

Ole-Petter Laksholm
Tel. Email
+47(0)417 - 05150
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Via Zanica 64

24126 Bergamo

Pietro Provenzano
Tel. Mobile Email
+39/035/4243500 +39/333/4519990
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Jürgen Vollmer
Tel. Mobile Fax Email
+49(0)6207 - 9257411 +49(0)171 - 5520573 +49(0)6428 - 701108
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Federal-Mogul Japan K.K.

Nisseki Yokohama Building 18F 1-1-8 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-ku

Yokohama, 231-0062

Tetsuya Nagakura
Tel. Mobile Email
+81 (0) 45 345 2350 +81 (0)80 3426 4422
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Schulstr. 20

35260 Stadtallendorf

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+49(0)6428-701-0 +49(0)6428-701108
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Schulstr. 20

35260 Stadtallendorf

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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Schulstr. 20

35260 Stadtallendorf

Head office
Tel. Fax Email
+49(0)6428-701-0 +49(0)6428-701108
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Schulstr. 20

35260 Stadtallendorf

Head office
Tel. Fax Email
+49(0)6428-701-0 +49(0)6428-701108
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Federal-Mogul Deva GmbH

Schulstr. 20

35260 Stadtallendorf

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+49(0)6428-701-0 +49(0)6428-701108
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
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+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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Bemaso Ltda.

R. Canuma, 192

04642-040, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Rafael Ingegneri
Mobile Email
+55 11 99427 8694
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DEVA Two employees at work

Friction and Coefficient of Friction

in the field of tribology Friction is generally described as a force that opposes the relative motion of two bodies in contact. It is called friction force - in other words, whenever bodies come into contact or move against each other, friction forces occur. This is caused by unevenness in the body surface and cohesive forces that act between the molecules of the bodies that rub against each other.

The friction results in a loss of mechanical energy perpendicular to the normal force. When it comes to friction, a distinction is made between internal and external friction:

Example of internal friction: Viscous friction
Examples of external friction: static, sliding and rolling friction

Coefficient of Friction

The friction or the coefficient of friction μ depends on the normal force (diagram 1). With polar friction pairings (e.g.: deva.tex®), the adhesive portion of the coefficient of friction is very high due to the attraction of the friction surface with low normal force. As the normal load on the friction contact increases, this proportion initially drops sharply to a minimum and then remains relatively constant. The background is the actual contact surface of the friction partners. The contact area increases degressively as the normal force increases. The movement-inhibiting friction force caused by the adhesive is proportional to the contact area. The relationship described above between the normal force and the adhesive component of the coefficient of friction results from the ratio μ = FR-adh/FN. The deformative portion of the coefficient of friction increases with increasing normal load on the friction contact.

The sum of the adhesive and deformative friction components results in the coefficient of friction μ.

In friction pairings with at least one non-polar friction partner, the coefficient of friction μ increases continuously from the start due to the lack of adhesion (Diagram 1).

Diagram 1: Friction coefficient μ as a function of the normal force for polar friction pairings; In friction pairings with at least one non-polar friction partner, the adhesive component of the friction is eliminated [1] [1] Source: Ehrenstein, G. W.; Mit Kunststoffen Konstruieren; 3. Auflage; Carl Hanser Verlag, München 2007

The relationship between the friction force FR and the normal force FN is defined as the coefficient of friction µ.

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