DEVA has over 85 years of experience as a pioneer in self-lubricating bearings in hydroelectric power plants.
Today, DEVA sliding bearings are used in hydroelectric, wind, and solar power applications for power generation. They are installed in applications including hydroelectric turbines, dams, inlet valves, and chains. Our reliable, self-lubricating deva.metal®,®, deva.tex®, and deva.glide® sliding bearing products are installed in some of the world's most important hydroelectric power plants, including the Three Gorges power plant, Xiluodu, Grand Rapids, and Langenprozelten. DEVA sliding bearings also play a vital role in important locks such as the Kaiserschleuse lock in Bremerhaven and numerous other international projects.
Sliding bearings from DEVA mean that you benefit in multiple ways!
Our experts will help you to find the best DEVA sliding bearings for your individual application!
At DEVA, we create low-friction sliding bearing concepts that operate reliably in the long term using maintenance-free, self-lubricating, high-performance bearing materials.
The use of lubricants such as oil or grease can therefore be avoided, and the environment is protected in the long term. But we're not simply content with that: Our DEVA materials, designs, and products are incessantly scrutinized and evolved so that we can deliver the best possible result to you.